Computer Processor

A computer Processor or Central Processing Unit or Micro Processor is the device that serves as the brain of the computer system. It coordinate and mange all the activities happening in the computer system ranging from arithmetic and logical calculations, Memory management to controlling the entire processes and flow of data in the computer system. It is the most important devices of the computer system. 

Basic Component of the Computer Processor

(1) Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

(2) Control Unit (CU)

(3) Memory Unit (MU)

Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU): It carries out arithmetic and Local function of the computer system on operands and data supplied to it.

Control Unit (CU): The control unit direct operation within the computer processor. It control every other units of the computer system. the other units includes: Input and output unit, memory unit, and logic unit of the computer system.

Memory Unit (MU): The memory unit stores data in the computer system. the memory unit is made up of both primary and secondary memory. The primary memory stores data temporarily to be processed by the central processing unit while the secondary memory stored data permanently after it has been processed. the primary memory is known as temporary storage while the secondary memory is known as the permanent storage. The primary storage is made up of Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM) while the secondary storage is basically the computer hard disk and other storage devices such as Flash drive, Storage Device Card, Floppy Disk etc. 

Computer Processor

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