ü FOLDER Folder: A folder is type of icon that is use in storing files, programs, and other folders. …
ü FOLDER Folder: A folder is type of icon that is use in storing files, programs, and other folders. …
Computer system is divided into some basic component that must work together for computation take place. Th…
Computer Processor A computer Processor or Central Processing Unit or Micro Processor is the device that ser…
ü PROCESSING UNIT/DEVICES: This is like the brain of the computer system. It can also be seen as the ent…
OUTPUT UNIT/DEVICES: Output unit is the eyes of the computer; output devices is the part of a computer sys…
Computer is made up of 3 basic units Input unit or devices Output unit or devices Processing unit or …
When a device is an electronic or not electronic in nature, but what it’s processing is not information, then…